Fashion, Editor's Picks Eric Ellison Fashion, Editor's Picks Eric Ellison

Meet The Models - Sif Saga

Sif Saga is an Icelandic beauty who has traveled all over the world for modeling. Let’s take a dive into her thoughts…

Photographer: Nicholas Tamposi

Photographer: Nicholas Tamposi

Sif Saga is an Icelandic beauty who has traveled all over the world for modeling.  She has graced the covers of L’Officiel Australia and Maxim magazine and recently appeared in Desnudo magazine.  She is also a singer/songwriter and enjoys working on new music during her downtime from Fashion.  Her success is consistent and her portfolio is breathtaking.  Let’s take a dive into her thoughts…

When did you come to America from Iceland?  You have told me a lot about your home, sounds like the perfect origins for a great lifestory! 

A: I was actually born in the US, which a lot of people might not know about me. :) I spent a majority of my childhood traveling back and forth from the US and Iceland - like most kids it was because of my Dad’s job. It wasn’t until I went to a boarding middle school that I was fully in the US.

Photographer: Mehmet Erzincan

Photographer: Mehmet Erzincan

What type of model would you consider yourself?

A: Hmm I’ve actually never been asked that, but I definitely lean more towards print. I love doing editorial work, that's where I think the magic happens. There is nothing better then when you bring a team together and everything just clicks, when that happens it's a form of Art.    

A lot of people that aren’t in the Fashion industry don’t know that there is a big difference between a runway model and a commercial model or an influencer.  Which boards do your agencies push you under since you have a pretty hefty following?

A: My following compared to a lot of other girls is minimal I think. I am definitely more on the commercial side than runway or influencer.  

What percentage of your work comes from your instagram?

A: About 10 to 15 percent, I use instagram more as a medium to display my work but also to show clients how I am in real life. I focus on working with my agencies because most of them have spent years building relationships with clients and those kinds of relationships are priceless.  When it comes to jobs, even through an agency, clients are always checking to see how you are on social media. I try to be as authentic as one can be on instagram.

What was your favorite shoot thus far and why?

A: I just did a shoot for L’Officiel Australia with a photographer and friend of mine named Elio; this was our first shoot together so I was pretty stoked! The editorial was pretty moody and expressive, which is a mood I love to shoot with because it takes me out of my comfort zone. It was my favorite shoot so far because the energy in the room couldn’t have been better - we blasted music, sang and got into a great rhythm. 

Pre-quarantine, how often would you attend Fashion events each week for your work?

A: I actually had been slowing down on events pre-quarantine. I was going so much last year (1-2x a week) that it felt like I wasn't present while there and pretty exhausted. I am pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people and putting myself out there, I think people classify me more as an introvert? Haha. But, I still would go every once in a while. It’s important to meet new people (especially in this industry), I’ve even made some of my friends through fashion events, and it can be very inspiring!  

Events always seem like the extracurricular activities that people in our industry do to stay afloat, show face.  Do you feel pressured to keep up appearances and be at certain events to help push your career forward?

A: I think my answer above kind of explains it, but I don’t think that events make or break your career, but sometimes they can help to establish important relationships to push your career forward. I never feel pressured I would say, but I feel that going every once in a while is important for my career.

Photographer: Manny Roman

Photographer: Manny Roman

How have you been staying creative during this down time, thanks to Ms. Rona? 

A: Yes I feel like Ms. Rona has got us all thinking outside of the box and doing all sorts of arts and crafts lol. It’s been a great time for me to free up some headspace and think more creatively. I am hoping that quarantine doesn’t last too long but I am currently working on some things to help keep me afloat while contributing to the industry. I am also planning on doing a music video for a song I wrote - in my head I think it’s going to be cool but I am hoping I can actually produce on film what is in my mind - I guess you’ll have to wait and see though!

What is your go to workout during Quarantine?

A: For the past month I have been walking up and down the stairs with a weight vest - doesn't sound like much but it's great for your core, glutes and balance. A big bonus for this workout is that it is a metabolic boosting workout! Other than that I have been stretching and doing yoga/ pilates type exercises. Oh, and lots of long walks! 

Any new music coming our way soon? 

A: I had set a goal in the beginning of 2020 to release an EP by spring/ summer and found a great producing studio down in Jacksonville, but due to everything that is going on I doubt that will happen soon. So, I thought I would put at least one song out even though it's not completely clean when it comes to the production side of things. I plan on releasing by mid-may and self-produce a music video to go along with it :)

Thanks for the chat Sif, looking forward to seeing the butterfly you continue to blossom into!

Interview: Eric Ellison

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