Style Watch: Zendaya

Being inspired by her older sister and nieces, she created Daya by Zendaya in the Spring of 2016.


We all remember that little girl, Zendaya from Disney Channels' hit shows, but she's not so little anymore! This twenty-year-old women is doing big things for women [and men] on a small budget. Being inspired by her older sister and nieces, she created Daya by Zendaya in the Spring of 2016. "The kind of women we're targeting are real women who want a good shoe they can wear to their job interviews, but still be stylish and not break the bank," says the red carpet killer. 

Partnering up with her stylist, Law Roach the duo not only have an affordable shoe line but they are bringing us a classy look clothing line. Zendaya debuting some of her pieces as she guest starred as a judge on Project Runway; posting a picture on IG of her in a velvet suit with a lace body suit with the caption "I gotta admit.....wearing my own stuff feels really good. We've done well @luxurylaw. #DayabyZendaya #clothinglinecomingsoon".

I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to her pieces she has dropping soon and more exciting shoes to come. Go Daya!! 


Tanisha Brooks
Head Stylist at Access by NKC

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