Beauty Access by NKC Beauty Access by NKC

The Beauty Industry Stands With, And For, The Black Community

We continue to see black owned businesses gaining more and more support, as they should, and the beauty industry is definitely involved.

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We continue to see black owned businesses gaining more and more support, as they should, and the beauty industry is definitely involved. Sephora and Estée Lauder are, in particular, paying a great tribute to the BLM movement. In a time of such drastic change, it’s amazing to see our favorite brands standing up for equality in all forms.

Sephora is partaking in Aurora James’ 15% Pledge which allows their shelves to hold 15% of stock from black owned businesses. Actually, Sephora plans to dedicate at least 15% of their shelves, which not only brings in a bigger market, but shows how much they value equality. Seeing the necessary steps being taken from a major beauty platform will hopefully inspire smaller beauty companies to build off this Pledge as well.

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Estée Lauder is also contributing to the Black Lives Matter movement. They are planning to have complete equality for all black employees, at each level of employment, regarding salaries over the next 5 years. They are also in search of black owned factories as well as increasing their donations to the black community from $1 million to $10 million. These statements were publicized after an internal petition was being sent over, so the companies Board decided to help the cause. It’s definitely a little concerning that the company only took a stand after the petition was in act, but at least they got their head in gear and are helping the cause!

The beauty industry is definitely diversifying their brands, and they have, in the past, diversified their shades to include all forms of skin color. As we continue to fight for equality, for all colors, I hope to see not only the beauty industry, but all industries show their support for Black Lives Matter. The BLM movement is far from over, and I hope the inclusivity of all colors continues.

Photo Credits:

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

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