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MelatoninPower. BeautySleep. SleepMatters.

At this time, neurochemical cleansing of the brain occurs, the transfer of memories to long-term memory, detoxification of the body, and activation of immunity.

Why sleep is universal medicine Can you remember the last time you woke up without an alarm - refreshed and energized? If you happened to get enough sleep only on vacation, you are not alone. According to neurobiologist Matthew Walker, two-thirds of the adult population of all developed countries of the world live in conditions of sleep deficit. Modern scientists warn: the lack of obvious negative consequences of lack of sleep does not mean that it is safe for our health. Sleep is not time spent aimlessly, but a vital respite for the whole organism. At this time, neurochemical cleansing of the brain occurs, the transfer of memories to long-term memory, detoxification of the body, and activation of immunity.

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Even our cognitive abilities are in direct proportion to the amount of sleep: after a sleepless night, the ability to memorize information drops by 40%. Researchers have also found that women who regularly sleep less than seven hours have an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression.

The hormone melatonin is responsible for the regulation of daily biorhythms in our bodies. The amount of light affects the production of the hormone. This is why in summer when daylight hours are longer, we get enough sleep faster than in winter. The maximum concentration of melatonin occurs between midnight and 5 am. In addition to regulating sleep, melatonin has a wide range of physiological functions. This hormone is primarily known as a powerful antioxidant. By binding the most toxic free radicals, it protects DNA, proteins, and lipids from damage and prevents early cell aging. So a healthy 8-hour sleep is no less effective anti-aging procedure than visiting a beautician. And most importantly - completely free!

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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