How to Make Your Beauty Routine Greener

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Any changes that improve our well-being and the health of the planet are good steps in the right direction. Another thing is that the number and volume of such changes are different for everyone. For someone to buy a shopper or to hand over batteries to the nearest collection point is already a feat. And someone has fully implemented the principle of zero waste and is constantly looking for new opportunities for a waste-free life.

One of the simple but important ways to become more conscious is to revise your beauty routine. Here is our list with ways to become more beautiful and eco-conscious.

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Every day, a dozen disposable cotton pads are sent to the trash. Meanwhile, in the production of cotton pads, natural resources are wasted, the atmosphere is polluted. Go for reusable cotton discs or muslin napkins that can be machine washed.

Replace cotton buds with a plastic base with bamboo or paper. They decompose, which means they will not add dirt to the oceans choking on plastic.

The best beauty behavior is full awareness and buying cosmetics as needed. According to estheticians, the minimum set for skincare looks like this: a cleanser, exfoliant, cream, or serum with antioxidants, protective cream with SPF.

Report: Olha Dzharyha


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