What's The Best Way To Deal With Unwanted Body Hair?

Whether you’re shopping for new swimsuits and you want to make sure that you present yourself in exactly how you’re most comfortable, or you simply don’t want to deal with the hassle of it any more, there are plenty of good reasons to want to say goodbye to body hair. However, there are a lot of different approaches to take in getting rid of it, so which is going to be the best fit for you? Here, we compare and contrast your options to help you see which is best suited to your needs.

Get the razor out

Let’s start with the more practical and hands-on approaches, first of all, with the trust razor being amongst the most commonly used solution. Most women who are looking to take care of their body hair have done it since it’s quick, it’s accessible, and it’s relatively easy. However, it’s not foolproof and it can come with some annoyances. Your hair starts to grow back immediately after, for one, which can lead to having to deal with body hair stubble, and the itchiness and discomfort that comes with that. It can be harder to shave with sensitive skin, too, and ingrown hairs are always a risk.

Get the wax out

Usually, the first strategy that a person will try when they decide they’re totally done with shaving for a while, waxing can be quite the experience, especially for first-timers. Waxing comes with a now famous sensation of discomfort, but there are many who think this reaction is a little overblown. That said, rarely is it pleasant. It is, however, highly effective. You can use at-home wax kits to take care of it yourself, but professional waxing spots tend to offer results that are a lot more consistent, not to mention ensuring that you’re comfortable as possible so that any discomfort is minimized and short-lived.

Getting plucky with it

If you want to deal with a few specific body hairs, rather than a whole area affected by body hair, then plucking or threading that hair out might be a viable strategy as well. Compared to shaving or waxing, of course, it’s not going to be an effective strategy if there are so many hairs in an area that trying to pluck them is going to take you all night. There are differences between plucking and threading to get to know as well, as plucking simply involves instruments like tweezers being used to pull them out, while threading involves catching hairs in rubber bands, which can be an effective strategy for shaping areas of hair like your eyebrows. However, as well as being slow and only suited for smaller areas, there’s no denying plucking it is one of the more painful strategies to work with, too.

Getting technologically advanced

One of the most popular modern methods of dealing with body hair is laser hair removal, which some consider being the greatest unwanted hair treatment on the market. There are at-home devices that you can use, but services like Infinity laser spa can offer more reliable results from experienced practitioners, not to mention a little pampering to make it a real space experience. Laser hair removal can work on any part of the body, but it is a rather lengthy process and one that takes multiple visits to ensure the best results. However, the precision and relative painlessness compared to waxing can also make it a lot more convenient to fit into your everyday life. Of course, with laser treatments, you have to ensure that you can afford them, as well.

Talking to your doctor

Aside from the approaches to physically remove unwanted hair from your body, as shown above, there are also approaches to address the rate at which your hair grows. For instance, there are treatments to reduce the growth of excessive facial hair for women, such as medical creams that can block the body’s ability to produce certain proteins that cause hair growth. When it comes to hair growth, there aren’t many options that are administered like a pill or in other medicinal forms, they do tend to be topical creams. What’s more, when you’re talking about slowing the growth of hair, then you may still need to actually remove the hair that is already there, meaning you’re likely to have to choose one of the methods above, regardless.

Is there a natural approach?

As with just about every health and beauty aim, there is always someone to propose a more natural, healthier approach. The results of these approaches can be difficult to gauge, at the very least. Some say that hormonal-affecting treatments, which can reduce high testosterone levels can also in turn lower your hair growth rate, as can ensuring you get your fill of vitamin B6 and managing your weight. However, it’s very hard to tell whether or not these approaches are working, so it might be a better idea to work with one of the other routes mentioned above.

Ensure you give your skin the care it needs too

When all the hair is gone, it’s just you and your skin, and this is where a little extra care is needed. Regardless of what method you use to get rid of body hair, it does mean that your skin becomes much more exposed to the air, including all of the irritants that can come in contact with it. Apply a hydrating moisturizer every day to areas where you have gotten rid of body hair to prevent flakiness and dry skin. Make sure to give your skin more protection from the sun, as well, since the hair is no longer there to provide a little cover and your skin will be more sensitive than before.

It’s hard to say if there’s any method that is the “best,” it all comes down to comfort levels, how much you’re willing to spend, and how permanent you want the results to be. With the information above, you should a good idea of where to start looking, however.


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