5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise

If one of your new year's resolutions was hitting the gym or commencing a home-workout routine for weight loss or fitness, but you didn't follow through, you aren't alone. Many people begin working out but eventually quit for various reasons. Sometimes the weather is too hot or too cold, you don’t have gym equipment, or you’re either too busy or too tired, among many other reasons. Although some of these reasons are understandable, failure to meet your fitness goals can leave you frustrated and unmotivated. Here are a few ways you can stay motivated to exercise.


Find support

Working out alone can be demotivating; there’s no one to cheer you on or keep you in check. You can partner up with a trainer or someone you perceive to be consistent and fit to motivate you to keep training. Additionally, you can commit to a group fitness class; start with something short-term, then move to long-term membership. Exercising as a group makes you accountable, competitive, and ultimately motivated to do better.

Set goals

Just like finances, exercising requires you to set realistic goals. Everyone has their unique reasons for getting into fitness, and you can only achieve them when you know what steps to take. Start with simple plans and keep progressing. If your goals are too ambitious, you may over-exert yourself and become frustrated if you don't see the results you've been looking forward to in a short time.

Reward yourself

The results of consistently working out, like fitting into old clothes, building endurance, or achieving washboard abs, are rewards in themselves. However, they are almost impossible to achieve when you can't commence your workout or commit to it for a week to a month's training routine. Using a reward system can be the answer to staying motivated. You can have a cheat snack, like ice cream, purchase new workout gear, book a spa appointment, or purchase a kratom shot for post-workout relief.

Create a routine

If you’re always finding something to do other than exercise, you will continually fall back on excuses. If exercise is an activity you consider vital for your health or fitness goals, schedule it the same way you plan for work or meals. Alternatively, you can incorporate physical activity during your day in the form of taking the stairs, riding your bike to work, or taking short walks around the block during breaks from work.

Be competitive

Research proves that watching others engage in workouts, either via social media or a fitness app, can boost your desire to do better. You can stay motivated while working out by beating your previous record on an app or ranking higher in a marathon than other app users. Also, you can enjoy friendly competition by sharing your milestones on social media and with friends. When your friends join in on the friendlies, working out becomes more enjoyable.

There are many reasons to start working out, but many keep you from following through to the end.Improve your workouts and stay motivated by finding support, either from a buddy or a fitness class group, set realistic goals, and create a routine. You can also try and be competitive and reward yourself every time you hit a milestone.


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