New iPhone Released Same Day People Received Their $1200 Relief Checks. Coincidence?

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New iPhone release happened on the same day people got their $1200 relief checks. Coincidence? I do not think so.

The Economic Impact Payment checks due to COVID-19 began arriving in Americans` bank accounts on Wednesday, April 15th - a coincidence many could not help noticing. Knowing the public`s irresistible desire to shop, that means a good portion of us will not be saving those stimulus checks for a rainy day. In fact, the CEO of Apple Tim Cook tweeted, "We strategically chose to unveil the iPhone SE today because it’s when Americans get their stimulus checks".

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The exceptional marketing move accommodated economic reality. Therefore, the new model is the second-generation iPhone SE with a price tag as low as $399. It is the most affordable phone the tech innovator has brought in years.

While the budget iPhone is announced to be released in the middle of the summer, the iPhone 12 appears to be something worth waiting for. The new model is promised to be the most advanced and groundbreaking, with such features as a long-range 3D camera and 5G.

It is might seem irrational to even think about buying the new phone in the record high unemployment rate. But who are we to deny the technological progress? After all, the USA gross domestic product relies on consumption. Let`s make America great again?

Report: Olha Dzharyha


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