Creating Client Contracts

Whether you are a coach, web designer, VA, consultant, photographer, or stylist, having a client agreement in place that has all of the following terms in writing goes a LONG way in protect your business (also read as: will protect your income and keep you out of court - trust me, you do NOT want to end up in court).

Here are the different clauses your agreement should have and a bit about what they mean.  

  • TERMS: Terms of the service they are purchasing (what exactly are you providing, when, and in what ways?)

  • REFUND POLICY: Your refund policy (what happens if they miss a payment? If they aren’t happy with your services?)

  • PAYMENT SCHEDULE: When and how are payments due?

  • IP:  Protection for your intellectual property (who owns what? What happens with the module you created? The logo your VA designed for you?)

  • DISCLAIMERS: Disclaimers of liability (protects you from claims and advises your clients that you are not a doctor, therapist, magician, etc) Super important for coaches!

  • JURISDICTION: (where is YOUR business and what law controls the contract?)

  • DISPUTE RESOLUTION: (what happens if you guys disagree? Courtroom? Arbitration?)

While there are some other important clauses included in contracts, this the *meat* and it’s important to have these SOLID.

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