All the Benefits You Can Expect from Having Pets in the Office

Having pets in the workplace, particularly dogs tends to be a “millennial thing” that you’d often see in startups or major conglomerates in Silicon Valley. Whether it’s true to not, one thing is for certain, having this warm and welcoming animal just instantly makes the space feel better. It doesn’t always need to be a dog, either. While dogs, such as those on this web page, are good at immediately making the space look and feel more comfortable, other pets like cats have a way of making a space feel all cozy as well. But should offices even allow for pets? Does it disrupt productivity? Well, here are some benefits you can expect from having pets in the office.

It Makes Everyone Feel Like They’re in a Homely Environment

It’s no secret that nearly everyone in the office would rather be sitting at home working there than in the office. Chances are, as a business owner, you’d probably rather be running your business from home, right? Having pets around allows employees to feel more at home while they work. This feeling boosts morale and makes the workplace more comfortable.  The whole goal of an office, especially nowadays, is to make it comfortable, so this is something you need to try to do as well.

Animals Can Help Boost Morale

Most pet owners already feel guilty for having to leave their pets at home all day while they go to work. This, on its own, is far from ideal. So having a pet-friendly workplace gives employees a chance to see their furry friends throughout the day, which can boost morale and improve communication. 

Some days, it’s hard to get through the day, especially if clients are being a hassle or something isn’t going your way. But having a happy dog or cat that loves to be petted and cuddled can really help people push through. It doesn’t only need to be the pet owner, either. Just in general, seeing happy animals has a way of boosting morale, especially on bad days. 

Major Stress Reducer

Just as fuzzy animals can boost morale, they have a way of reducing stress for people too. Stress in the workplace can lead to tense work environments and reduced performance, and it can also increase employee absenteeism and sick days. However, pets in the office can reduce stress levels and create a happier and more comfortable environment. Some major companies will have therapy dogs to help reduce their workers, but you don’t need to go this far. Just having a happy animal to roam around can really make an impact.

More Productivity

Most bosses instantly think that an animal will kill productivity rates. They think that everyone will want to stare at the animal all day or will want to just do nothing but walk or cuddle the pet. For starters, this line of thinking instantly proves the lack of trust in employees. And it also makes employees sound like children. Both are incredibly offensive and very unrealistic. 

Will breaks happen? Of course, because employees are entitled to breaks anyways, they’re just going to use it on animals. Pets provide a pleasant distraction from work and can help with morale and motivation. Taking a moment to play with a coworker’s pet or go on a short walk can help people refocus their thoughts and attention and return to their task feeling refreshed. This type of break can also increase productivity by keeping employees from getting too burned out on a single project. Research has shown that taking regular breaks can increase creativity and problem-solving abilities.

But can animals cause disruptions? It technically can happen, yes. It’s really going to depend on how well-trained the animal is. It’s important to make sure that the pets in the office are well-behaved and not causing a disruption. If dogs are barking or jumping on people, they can be a distraction and hinder the work environment. In addition, pets that destroy company property can create legal liability for the business. Overall, if an employee plans on bringing an animal, it needs to be well-behaved. But well-behaved animals will not cause a reduction in productivity. 

It Gets Everyone Moving

It’s not good for everyone to just sit all day at their desk, even during break time. Taking breaks to play or walk the office pet can encourage employees to get up from their desks and move around, a good thing for their health. It can also help them focus on their work because exercise can help reduce stress and improve concentration. Animals like dogs need to go on walks, so it does give people a chance to get some fresh air and move around.

Pets Can Help Foster Relationships

Everyone needs to work together and have a bond, and animals are able to foster these relationships. Having pets in the office can help foster relationships between coworkers. They are great icebreakers and conversation starters, and employees often bond over their mutual love of pets. This can lead to improved teamwork and more collaborative projects.

While pets can replace team-building exercises, they help start conversations. 

What Should You Consider for an At-Work Pet Policy?

If you decide to allow pets in your office, it’s important that you draft a detailed pet policy and provide all of your employees with it. Make sure that you include details on the types of pets permitted, hygiene and behavior rules, as well as any consequences for noncompliance. Make sure that all employees are aware of the pet policy before they bring their dogs into the office. This will ensure that everyone can work together successfully.

In the end, animals should not be overlooked. While they bring so much happiness and love into homes, they truly can bring that same thing into offices too. Whether it’s cats, dogs, or any other animals, don’t think of them as an immediate distraction. This could be the secret to keeping your employees happy and even attracting new talent too.


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