The Fine Art Of Gallery Marketing

Having your gallery packed on opening evenings, brimming with people in the market for the artists you are hosting, and a newsletter list constantly seeing high open rates is a dream come true. 

And the truth is that it isn’t as difficult as you might think to get there. A lot of great marketing is about time rather than money - and some of the breakout artists and galleries have used their creativity to make content that stands out. 

You can too. 

Artists First

All gallery owners and curators are hoping that the exhibition of the new artist they found is going to be a huge success. Still, galleries can often centre themselves on the story. Instead, step to the side and show off the artists. Who are they, what is their story - and what is it about their work that is so important? 

Champion the artist that you are showing off, and make sure that it is them in the spotlight. Other artists will also have a lot of respect for that. 


If you are paying attention to your metrics, you will notice when you get repeat visitors, when new ones sign up and more. It is important that you use what you find out to create marketing materials for each segment. 

And equally more important, you should be making sure that you are collecting information about why they visited, which artist they wanted to see, and where they found the information. Start to get a better picture of how your marketing is working now, so you will know where you can make improvements. 

More Experiences 

What else do you have to offer? If your space isn't used for creative endeavours, talks, teaching opportunities, company events and more, you are missing out on potentially a lot of income - and a lot of visibility too. 


Is your website giving an accurate representation of who you are, what you want to achieve and giving the best for your artists? If it isn’t, it is one of the first places that you need to make some changes. Your website should look and feel like your gallery - as if the two are melded into a single being. You can show off the art, use words sparingly, create and play with 3D and VR and even complete virtual tours using Virtual Tour Services.

Social Media 

If there is a trend, get in on it; if there is a brand doing well on TikTok, watch their stuff and work out why. If your Instagram is struggling, assess your hashtags and post frequency. The more you put in, the more you will get out when it comes to your social media. Put a plan together that is visual, and don’t be afraid to shock (within the rules of the platform). 

Much of the potential success of your business will come down to the same four things after marketing has been taken into consideration: Your Business Needs These 4 Things To Thrive In 2023


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