Home Office Improvements Worth Their Weight In Gold

Improving your home office is one of the best things that you can do to enhance your productivity and make working from home more tolerable. Once you have a system in place, it makes your life so much better

But which home improvements should you focus on first? Which are worth their weight in gold? Let’s take a look. 

Couch-Friendly Laptop Stands

Leaving your computer equipment balanced precariously on your crotch all day is, generally, a bad idea. All that radiation and heat can’t be doing you much good. 

But if you want to work on your home office couch, what choice do you have? 

More than you might think, actually. It turns out that many brands make aluminum ergonomic laptop stands, designed to put you in a comfortable working position, no matter what. These come with helpful legs that you can place on either side of your body, and adjustable height, allowing you to place your hands at the perfect angle on the keyboard. It’s an idea well worth exploring if you are someone who prefers to work on the couch, not at the desk. 

Ergonomic Keyboards

Speaking of comfort, ergonomic keyboards are also a must for those who spend all day typing. While Apple’s regular Macbook keyboards look nice, they’re arranged in a suboptimal pattern for human hands. We need keyboards that have a more organic shape and flow more naturally. 

The good news is that a number of companies, including Logitech, now offer keyboards that help to eliminate the need to put hands in positions of stress. These actually change the angle of keys so that users don’t have to inwardly rotate their wrists all day, which is something that standard keyboards demand. 

Smart Fabric Back Cushions

Sitting down all day is not ideal, but it is, unfortunately, necessary, for people who work professionally at their laptops all day long. However, it can result in back pain, particularly towards the end of the working week. 

Now, though, you can get smart back cushions, designed specifically to help people with weak cores. These prevent the pelvis from tilting forward which is something that can lead to overall posture issues from middle age onwards. These stop shoulder rounding, and a hunched neck that can result from sitting in office chairs all day long. 

Air Coolers

You don’t have to install air conditioners in your office to benefit from a cool breeze during the summer. An evaporative air cooler will do the trick. 

These work by using the power of evaporation to cool down the air, similar to sweat. You just fill them with water, and they transfer heat from the air into the water, giving you the sensation of a cool breeze

Soft Table Lamp

Harsh table lamps are a distraction and can actually hurt your eyes if you use them all the time. White light reflects off paperwork a bit like sunlight reflecting off snow, dazzling you. 

Try investing in a softer, LED table lamp instead. This way, you can dim it to get the glow that you want. 


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