How to Increase Your Professional Productivity

The more productive you can be in your work or business, the more you can earn or improve in your job role; in short, productivity is highly desirable. However, it’s not always intuitive; sometimes, you have to switch off to perform at your best or decompress to raise your game. 

Stop Multitasking 

You’ve got a million things to do at work and not enough time to get it finished before you need to clock off and meet an old friend for drinks. Your problem-solving brain switches on, and you start to think about completing more tasks at once - but this is a counter-productive way to work.

Studies show that multitasking can reduce your productivity by up to 40% because you are splitting your attention between different tasks. What happens is you get less done overall, and the quality of the work also suffers. Focus on one thing at a time and make other arrangements.  

Stop Procrastinating 

It’s so easy to take your attention off your work to think about a game on your phone or to swipe absently through your newsfeed reading the odd random articles. This is called procrastinating, and it’s responsible for around 40% of revenue lost in major businesses. So what can you do? 

The fact is that employees are going to procrastinate; it’s the nature of human attention spawn to break every now and then; it’s even necessary sometimes to sustain attention on a task. If you want to improve your productivity, become smart and controlled about your procrastination. 

Use Therapies 

Again, you need to have the energy and motivation to be productive, which is where therapies are useful. Therapy can range from a trip to the local spa to hormone therapy to improve the quality of your health and wellbeing - check for signs you may have low testosterone levels. 

A low testosterone level can lead to issues with muscle mass, sperm production, libido, and mental health; that’s why many people are opting for testosterone therapy to improve the quality of their lives. Naturally, this has a knock-on effect on productivity as well - stay happy at work!    

Get Organized 

One of the best ways to increase your productivity and feel happier in your life is to get organized. Most people organize their lives to some degree, but when you put a little more effort into this, you can accelerate your productivity and your revenue streams with simple ideas. 

Whether it’s on your phone or on a post-it note, make a list of all the things you want to accomplish the next day. These can be personal and professional goals. It’s satisfying to score these off, and it keeps you on track. But, don’t stop there; plan long term with the same strategy.

Reduce Distractions

Productivity requires two disciplines - focus and distractions. Focus refers to keeping your mind on task and completing work on time; distractions are things like email and social media that demand your attention and waste your time. Put all distractions away when you are working. 


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