Beyond the Racks and Pallets: How Do You Market a Warehouse?


Promotional tactics are all about synergy, which creates a meaningful product or service, and when we are trying to promote a practice or something that doesn't necessarily have a unique angle, we can find ourselves struggling. When it comes to promoting something like a warehouse, it may not seem like a particularly sexy subject. But let's show you some simple approaches to get you into the flow of things. 

Picking Your Warehouse Sortation

How you sort your warehouse is not something you would consider to be front and center of your marketing strategy, but you might be surprised! When you are looking at the numerous variables in your warehouse, you will need to see which items provide the highest turnover, and which are more likely to sell very soon. Your inventory is such a key component of the profitability of your warehouse sortation, and if you are selling more forklift fork extensions more than any other item, this is going to have a massive effect on where you tailor your campaign. You can incorporate this in simple ways, such as an online warehouse catalogue, but also incorporate practices such as dropshipping, because this greatly reduces the need for any marketing because it is done by the dropshipping company.

A Marketing Video

One of the most popular promotional tactics, but is also one of the most easily accessible. Running a warehouse could mean a very limited number of customers, depending on what you sell, and they may very well be spread out around the world. But you can use a promotional video as the crux of your marketing campaign. You could decide to create an explainer video, showing your viewers the interior processes, and giving an insight into how you work. But you have to combine this with your sales strategy. The biggest way you will sell a product is through your website, and this means you've got to build an effective online store and remember that the user experience is integral to how much a supplier will buy from you.

The Power of Social Media

It is an effective tool for any business, and it can work wonders, even with a warehouse, but it is a harder task to get right because of the lack of professional entities on social media platforms. You can't imagine another supplier checking their Facebook page all too regularly! This is why platforms like LinkedIn would be better because you start to align with other professionals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using the more common social media platforms, but you should remember not to spread yourself too thin. 

Focus on the Numbers

When you are trying to promote your business, numbers account for a lot! In a warehouse environment, promoting yourself as a lean business makes a massive difference. If you are able to operate with a lean approach and show tangible numbers of how you improve processes throughout the years and bring your warehouse sorting times down, this information should be front and center of your promotional tactics. It's not an easy thing to market a warehouse, but it is certainly not impossible.


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