8 Mistakes Your Local Business Would Be Foolish to Make

When you run a local business, you could be forgiven for thinking that simply having a physical presence in the area is enough to see the customers rolling in, and yes, it is usually easier to attract attention locally, but that does not mean you do not have to work hard in other ways too. 

Simply existing really is not enough in 2024, so what else do you need to do to ensure your local business is a big success Start by avoiding these all-too-common mistakes that many companies like your own make, and which can see them sink without a trace.

1. Not Having a Good Online Presence: Like Living in the Stone Age

In today's world, not having an online presence is like insisting on using a carrier pigeon in the era of email. Your business needs to be where the people are – online. If you’re not on the web, for all intents and purposes, you're about as visible as an introvert at a masquerade ball. Get yourself in touch with Armory Digital Marketing, get yourself a nifty website, hop onto social media, and make sure Google knows you exist, and do it like yesterday please. It’s like planting a flag in the digital world saying, “Hey, look at us; we’re cool and we exist!” Even locals Google before they head on out to buy, so if you don’t let them know you’re theorem they won’t be coming through the doors any time soon, right?

2. Ignoring Social Media: Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur

If you think social media is just for selfies and clout videos, think again. It’s a goldmine for connecting with customers in your locale too. Not being on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter is like owning a sports car but refusing to take it out of the garage. Show off a little! Post about your products, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, or just engage with your customers. It’s like having a conversation, but you can do it in your pajamas.

3. Poor Customer Service: The Fast Track to Nowheresville

Customer service is king always, right? Treat your customers poorly, and they'll vanish faster than free samples at a food festival. Remember, a happy customer might tell a friend, but an unhappy one will tell the internet, and we all know the internet never forgets. It’s like an elephant with WiFi.

4. Not Listening to Feedback: Like Talking to a Brick Wall

Feedback is the breakfast of champions. If you’re not listening to what your customers are saying, you’re basically driving blindfolded. Take criticisms on board, learn from them, and whatever you do, don’t get defensive. Arguing with a customer online is like wrestling with a pig – you both get dirty, but the pig likes it.

5. Underestimating the Power of a Good Website: Your Digital Shop Window

Think of your website as your storefront. It needs to be attractive, easy to navigate, and informative. A bad website is like a grumpy salesperson; it drives people away. Invest in good design, clear content, and an intuitive layout. Your website should be the digital equivalent of a red carpet, welcoming customers to your world.

6. Ignoring Local SEO: Like Hiding Your Store in a Back Alley

Local SEO is the way that people find you when they are searching for ‘the best [your service] near me.’ So, it goes without saying that you are going to want to take some time to optimize your online presence to hit all the right notes and be the first suggestion that pops up when they are looking for a company in your niche.

7. Forgetting the Community: Don’t Be a Hermit

Engage with your local community and your profits will soar. Sponsor a little league team, participate in local events, or host a workshop. It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being part of the community fabric. Plus, it’s nice to get out and about instead of always being cooped up in your store, right?

8. Not Evolving: Stagnation is the Cousin of Extinction

Finally, don’t be afraid to evolve. The market changes, trends come and go, and what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Keep innovating, keep dreaming up crazy ideas – some might flop, but some might fly. You won’t know until you try.

Local businesses have an advantage in that they are typically much more visible than the average online business, at least in the community but that does not mean that you can’t make mistakes, get things wrong and prevent your company from being all it can be, but at least now you know!


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