Op-ed Keyonna Butler Op-ed Keyonna Butler

Is Entrepreneurship Becoming a Toxic Culture?

For the last few years entrepreneurship has grown at a rapid speed as many Millennials and even Gen Zer’s are starting their own businesses and leaving the 9-5 jobs behind. Before starting your own business was a risk many didn’t want to make now in 2021 many are embracing that risk even during the pandemic as they leave their jobs to become their own bosses. With the success of many start up brands even in the last year, it's becoming more and more popular to become an entrepreneur but is this the life for everyone?


For the last few years entrepreneurship has grown at a rapid speed as many Millennials and even Gen Zer’s are starting their own businesses and leaving the 9-5 jobs behind. Before starting your own business was a risk many didn’t want to make now in 2021 many are embracing that risk even during the pandemic as they leave their jobs to become their own bosses. With the success of many start up brands even in the last year, it's becoming more and more popular to become an entrepreneur but is this the life for everyone? 

When you scroll down on social media you may see lots of people promoting their brands, telling you to buy their products or use their service. Instagram and other social media platforms have turned into a giant portfolio for people to showcase their work and talents. Of course it's nothing wrong with wanting to promote your brand but is there ever a time to separate yourself from your brand. For many people there is no separation. They work countless hours promoting, making sure they have all their inventory, constantly trying to build their brand and it starts to become a 24 hours commitment, literally. You may even hear people say “I sleep when I’m dead” or “use all of your time into your business”. Even P. Diddy has that famous quote, ”Sleep is forbidden. When I'm working, I'm a machine and I don't look at other people like they are human.” Is that really a healthy mindset to carry with us? Working non stop like a machine without any rest or self care will give you burnout or even something worse. You can’t run your business if you are not taking care of yourself and staying healthy mentally or physically.


Within entrepreneurship culture you always hear people brag about how much money they have or how successful they are but don’t let that fool you. Being an entrepreneur is hard work and may not be for you. It's nothing wrong with taking the path of working a 9-5 or being a part of a team. There is a lot of sweat, tears and time that takes being an entrepreneur and starting your own business. If starting your own business is something you want to do, take the proper steps, create a plan A, B and C and of course take your time. It can also help to find a mentor or an expert to guide you in the early stages of your business. You can call in help from consultants to help you be an entrepreneur in a healthier wayMost importantly, take care of yourself, of course your business will be important to you but always put yourself first. It’s ok to take that nap, have a lunch break or even go on vacation. At the end of the day you’re human and when you take care of yourself, you’re taking care of your business.

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