Lifestyle David Roberts Lifestyle David Roberts

Spicy Blackberry and Plum Sauce

This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.


One of the benefits of the summer is that a lot of sweet fruit is in season.  I often run into the problem of figuring out what to do with delicate produce like berries and plums before they can go bad.  This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.  Its simple to make but the combination of flavors and spices took smoked chicken wings to an entirely different level.


 6 Ripe Cherry Plums or Any plum of your choice

5 Blackberries 

5 sprigs of fresh thyme 

5 cloves garlic

5 pimento seeds (allspice berries)

2 bay leaves

1 1/2 tsp ground ginger 

1c dark brown sugar 

1 cinnamon stick 

1 anise seed

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 tsp red pepper flakes  

1 tsp of Texas Pete Original Dust dry seasoning

Just a teeny bit more than a cup of water 

2/3 c Apple cider vinegar 

3 dashes of soy sauce 



For this recipe, I used cherry plums and it yields a about a cup of and a half of sauce.  I found the plums on sale at a local grocery store and have never tried them.  Outside of this recipe, I like them because the sweetness of the flesh was the same as very ripe, regular-sized plum, however it was firm as if it had just ripened.  After cleaning your produce, cut around the core; you do not want the firm bitter flesh that surrounds the pit in your sauce. 

Place all the ingredients into a medium-sized saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Be sure to stir occasionally so that the sugar fully dissolves and doesn’t burn at the bottom. Reduce to medium-low and cover.  Let the sauce simmer for about 1 hour.  Cool and place into a mason jar or an airtight container to use as a condiment.


Use this sauce on your favorite style of wings.  I used it on smoked chicken wings and it has now become one of my favorite wing flavors.  I would highly recommend trying it on wings fresh out of the air fryer or on grilled wings. Please let us know how this recipe comes out for you and feel free to put your own spin on it! Try different berry and spice combinations to create your own plum sauce flavors.

Report: Senior Editor, David Roberts

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