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The Meme vs The Dater

The days of old school love are gone or at least it flies under the radar. Today, dating is like quantum physics.

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The days of old school love are gone or at least it flies under the radar. Today, dating is like quantum physics. Everyone has been heartbroken at one time or another if not repeatedly. With this, we develop coping mechanisms to avoid dealing with the trauma or to make light of it. Everyone plays a game whether they realize it or not, with lack of trust, fear of rejection, and commitment issues, among many other factors we use sex as a defense and a weapon.

We use sex to get someone to be around long term and that’s all it becomes and we mask our true emotions secretly waiting for the other person to want more. Instead of relationships, we end up with situationships or a list of people we go to for different needs.

Each experience is made into a joke and becomes a meme on the internet. Meme culture has taken a large toll on the dating game as many people don’t have anyone to talk to about their situations with suitors or potential lovers and turn to social media to air out their troubles. We do this hoping to gain clarity from others beginning deep discussions and debates.

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With each situation and moment in society, we get a new meme, it becomes a phenomenon as its something that a large group of people can relate to and laugh about. Currently, we are in a time of the Coronavirus also known as COVID-19. Everyone is to keep their distance from one another as this deadly virus takes its toll on the world as we know it. With that, schools and offices have closed and everyone is now working from home. Some are home with loved ones, parents with children, couples are together, and singles are alone.

Every situation is unique. Right now, we have government and state officials telling the public if they aren’t essential workers to stay indoors. This has left a lot of single people feeling lonely as no one can travel or go out to see friends and family. Thus creating a new meme of one person trying to get another to come over despite the deadly pandemic and another meme that reads “everyone is home quarantined and they have their phone so if they wanted to talk they would.”

This time is challenging people who are interested in the dating world to take a new approach and be virtual with phone calls, texting or having virtual dates. This forces people to rely on personality rather than looks and other physical attributes. It also makes sex a minor factor. Dating has now become a virtual courtship for those who are serious enough about it. To give someone long term consideration without the ability to invite a potential suitor or lover for what the culture calls “Netflix and Chill”.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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