How To Have Beautiful Looking Feet

The right shoes can be amazing, but even the most perfect shoes that suit every occasion and season can’t replace healthy, good-looking feet. Looking after your feet can help you keep your feet strong, healthy, and looking their best to lift your confidence. Here are the tips to give your feet the care they need to look beautiful.

Get Rid Of Hard Skin

Hard skin can be caused by stress or friction on the foot, which is why you usually notice it on the heels and the sides or balls of your feet. If you leave it untreated, this dry skin can turn into corns. 

The best way to deal with hard skin is to remove it with a foot file and apply an intensive moisturizer immediately after. If you’re wondering, “why is my foot peeling?” then dry skin could be the answer too. 

Eat Well For Your Nails

Our toenails take a lot of abuse every day from badly-fitting shoes, knocks, and workouts. You can help to make your toenails stronger with a diet that is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and biotin. You can find all these important nutrients in:

  • Fish and meat

  • Eggs and dairy products

  • Vegetables, especially tomatoes and carrots

Be Smart About Bunions

Bunions are a condition that affects the bones and joints in the big toe. Bunions are hereditary and tend to be more common in women than men, and usually develop bunions. 

It’s a myth that your shoes can cause bunions, but some shoes can exacerbate the condition, but only if other factors or causes already exist. 

If you have a bunion, wear shoes with a wide, deep toe box to give you more room. You should be able to dimple the leather over your bunion. Avoid wearing high heels too. 

Cut Your Toenails Properly

Don’t underestimate the power of a good nail-cutting technique. Never use scissors. It’s better to use nail nippers or clippers instead of scissors, as they have a smaller cutting blade and a longer handle. 

Your nails should be trimmed once a week and always cut straight across. Aim for a square shape, as this will help to prevent ingrown toenails. Use a nail file to smooth off any rough edges. Don’t use an abrasive metal file to do this, as it can splinter your nails. 

Over-cutting can cause ingrown toenails, which can be painful and ugly, so be careful not to cut too short when you’re cutting your nails. 

Prevent Discoloration Before It Starts

Yellow nails can be caused by dark nail polish, so always use a base coat or skip the nail polish altogether for a bit to give your nails a break. If the color doesn’t improve, it could be a fungal infection called onychomycosis. If left untreated, this can cause your nails to thicken, become brittle and flaky, and separate from the nail bed. You can treat this with a topical treatment or see a podiatrist.


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