4 Appointments You Should Be Making Every Year

Taking care of your health can be a chore at times, especially when you have to take time out of your day to go for a health checkup. However, consider how important it is to make sure your body is healthy, and you’re not currently suffering from any underlying conditions. The sooner your catch onto something, the better, and a healthcare professional can help you to identify when there’s something happening to your body. 

Even if it’s not life-threatening, something like your vision worsening is important to catch, because trying to go about your day without glasses when you need them can cause unnecessary strain and headaches.

Eye doctor

As mentioned before, despite the lack of threat to your health, you should be sure you’re checking in with your eye doctor for eye exams routinely. Your eye doctor can help to identify whether or not you need to have prescription glasses made to aid your vision, as it won’t always be obvious. Your symptoms won’t suddenly appear one day, it happens slowly and gradually - so it’s better to leave it up to the professionals to make the diagnosis.

Headaches and strains aside, you don’t want to be put in situations that rely on your vision to keep you safe. For example, being behind the wheel of a car can be very dangerous if you’re not able to identify hazards around you as quickly as you used to.


While it might feel unpleasant, getting a full-body skin check is important if you’re going to catch any signs of cancer early on. The signs might not affect how you feel, but if there’s a sign on your body, you can treat it before it has enough time to spread. Cancer is something you always want to catch as early as possible, especially when you consider things like mesothelioma survival rates.

Whether you need more time to treat it, or more time to handle the news - it’s always a good idea to make sure you’re aware of it as early as you can.


Dental work is important to keep up with, and again, you’re not always going to know when there’s an issue with your teeth. Things like gum disease, or tooth decay aren’t easy to spot unless you’re a professional, and even then you’re going to need someone else to take a look for you. Your dentist can see signs of poor dental care, give you pointers and tips on how you can do better, and help to prevent any further damage going forward.

Primary care physician

Heading to your PCP every year or two can be a great time for you to speak about any symptoms you’ve been having, take a blood test, have a BMI check, and find out how you can better take care of yourself. Even if it’s a short check and your health is all green, it’s worth it for the peace of mind - you can never be too safe when it comes to your wellbeing.


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