How To Eliminate Your Fear Of The Dentist

To achieve a healthy smile, you will need to attend regular appointments. Although you might think your teeth are in good health, there could be some hidden decay or underlying issues that could affect your gum and teeth health in the future. If you have a fear of the dentist or even worry about booking an appointment, here are some tips to subdue that fear. 


Find a friendly dentist

All dentists should provide their patients with a welcoming and friendly service. If they do not, it won’t help your fear. Finding a friendly dentist, like Genesis Dental, who put patients first and always ensure to offer a friendly atmosphere will help you feel relaxed and calm when at the appointment. 

If you find a friendly dentist and still fear the appointments and procedures, it may be worth trying to build a strong friendship with them and the staff. Then, you can confide in them and talk to them about your anxieties. They will likely do everything they can do help you stay calm and content before, during, and after your appointments. 

Understand that it is normal 

Fearing the dentist is normal. When you realize this, the entire scenario will feel much easier and less stressful. You could speak to someone with the same fear and ask them how they deal with it. Together you can work out a way to feel calmer about going to the dentist and reducing anxiety when you are there. It is guaranteed that if you ask your dentist if they have any anxious patients, they will say yes.

Create positive experiences

Your fear for the dentist may be caused by a previous bad experience. To counteract that, creating positive experiences will make you realize that the dentist does not have to be a scary place. 

You may wonder how it is possible to create a positive experience in a place you dread. Firstly, pick a nice dentist who understands your fear. Then, you and the staff can make a laugh and joke during your appointment. They could play your favorite music or offer you a treat that makes you reminisce back to when you attended the dentist as a child. It can be anything that can help you realize the dentist is not a scary place.

Pick appointment time suitable to you 

If you feel that attending an appointment first thing in the morning will be good for your anxiety (to get it out of the way and not have to sit all worry all day) then book the first slot available. This way, you can get up, get ready, and attend your appointment before doing anything else. An early appointment means you can get it out of the day and get on with the rest of your day.

Write down and come to terms with your fears

You may recognize that the dentist makes you anxious but you don’t know why. Write down a scenario that could potentially cause anxiety and pinpoint what causes it. If it is the journey or the idea of sitting in a chair surrounded by silence and tools, then change your route or ask to play music. Coming to terms with your fears and identifying the cause can help you eliminate them and therefore reduce your anxiety. 


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