6 Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

More often than not, people (including you) tend to ignore niggling or mild pain or bodily changes until it leads to a significant problem. This usually could be a rash or some aches that don't seem "too harmful," that is until they blow up into something worse. However, there have also been cases where you visited the doctor about a specific health issue only to be told it's nothing to be worried about, sent back home with a pat on your back and a painkiller. This leaves you with many questions, such as when to seek medical attention for the symptoms you are experiencing. What health symptoms should always prompt a healthcare professional, or even the head to the emergency room, no matter how harmless they are? Here are some red-flag health issues that you should never ignore.

Changes on your skin

The skin is the largest organ of your body and goes through several changes as you get older. While some of these changes may only be signs of growth, other changes can be a cause for alarm. For example, if a portion of skin begins to turn yellowish, that could signify a liver or gallbladder disorder. If you also notice some lesions and growing lumps, it is essential to see your doctor as soon as possible and get checked out. However, some skin issues may not pose any severe harm to your health, and you can quickly get rid of them with some reliable over the counter medications. A typical example is acne, with treatment options like the Duac acne gel providing an effective solution.  

Chest pain

Anytime you experience a searing or squeezing pain in your chest, that could be a sign of a pending heart attack. Without waiting for a second longer, dial an emergency service number immediately you feel this pain. Do not convince yourself to wait or think you'll feel better soon. Even if the pain is mild but keeps recurring, you need to call your doctor immediately. 

A common mistake many people make is assuming that a heart attack has to be felt in the entire chest. And this leads to the next point. 

Pain in the jaw, neck, and upper back

Pain, regardless of how mild it is, is always your body's way of telling you something isn't right- therefore, it shouldn't be ignored. Unfortunately, that's precisely what many people do. Pain in your jaw, neck and upper back are pretty easy to dismiss, especially if you clench your teeth when you feel stressed or sit behind your desk all day to work. In some cases, pain in these parts of your body can be a warning sign of a heart attack, particularly in women. So, you don't want to take these warning signs lightly. 


Blurry vision 

Perhaps your regular prescription for glasses is changing, which is expected as you get older. But if you begin to experience blurred vision that appears from nowhere, or follows immediately after a prescription change, then you need to consult your doctor as soon as possible. That's because such a sudden blurred vision can be an indicator of diabetes. 

When your body's sugar level increases, fluid can build up in your eye's lens. And this can blur your vision and cause you to experience nearsightedness. 

A severe headache

In most cases having a headache isn't a cause for alarm. Almost one-half of the world's population experiences one type of headache disorder or another. Even physicians sometimes need more symptoms than a mere headache to be able to give an accurate diagnosis. 

But anytime you experience an excruciating headache, that's a red flag you shouldn't ignore, even if you already suffer from regular headaches. It is also essential to see your doctor if you experience any headache that:

  • Worsens with time

  • Comes with vision issues, a reddened eye, or weight loss

  • Interferes with your daily life

Rapid weight loss

If you're struggling with weight issues or obesity, shedding a good amount of that weight without any effort probably sounds like a dream. But it can also be an indicator that something is seriously wrong with your body. If you notice a rapid weight loss of 5kg without changing your diet or workout regimen, you should contact your doctor immediately. Such rapid weight loss could be a sign of a mental or physical illness that may be chipping away at your health without you noticing, regardless of whether you have other symptoms or not. 


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